AcreValue Help Center

How much does it cost to use AcreValue?

AcreValue is free to use, up to three reports. Users can purchase an AcreValue Pro subscription to unlock unlimited reports, improved search functions, and other features. AcreValue Pro is offered in three subscription plans and can be purchased as a monthly or annual subscription.

AcreValue Basic

  • Unlimited AcreValue reports 

AcreValue Plus

  • Unlimited AcreValue reports
  • Parcel search by land owner and landowner mailing address 
  • Parcel search with advanced filters and list formal with sorting

AcreValue Premium

  • Unlimited AcreValue reports
  • Parcel search by land owner and landowner mailing address 
  • Parcel search with advanced filters and list formal with sorting
  • Sales search with advanced filters and list format with sorting

 For more information about the AcreValue plan, view the Compare AcreValue Pro Plans page.

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