AcreValue Help Center

How do I download a report as an AcreValue Pro user?

Reviewing the AcreValue Pro data on a desktop, tablet, or phone is great, but you can also share the data with colleagues, clients, and prospects via a downloaded or printed PDF report. 

To generate AcreValue reports: 

  1. On the Map tab, use the AcreValue Pro filters at the top to locate parcels.
  2. Click parcels on the map to add them to your report on the right.
  3. Click Get Full Report on the right. 
  4. When the report is generated, click Download on the top right. 
  5. In the Configure Download dialog box, select or clear the Valuation, Crop History, Soil Survey, and Ownership data points to include in the report. 
  6. In the Share your report dialog box, click the Download icon.


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